Bing cherry compote

Bing Cherry, sugar, and water
Carbohydrates-22 mg
Vitamin C - 2 mg Energy value - 53 kcal
Target Temperature Range: - 0 - + 20० C
The level of moisture content should not
exceed 75% 2 years from the production date 

Cherry compote, which is a rich source of nutrition, is taken into account as the most beneficial food in winter. In addition to this, it is an excellent source of nutrition to keep body temperature in balance in winter. Besides, it normalizes sleep and calms the nerves. What’s more, because of its high content of antioxidants called Anthocyanin, this fruit is named like this. It should be noted that the melatonin inside the cherry improves mood and has a positive impact on the nervous system. The reason is why melatonin slows down and prevents the effects of aging. Cherries are recommended for diabetics because they lower blood sugar. Then, there are various sources on the effects of cherries on the body system. It is not only used as aromatherapy but also it is rich in rare vitamins and hard-to-find minerals. In summary, we can say that if you always want to stay young, always use cherry compote on your table.