
Blackberry, sugar, and water 
Carbohydrates-62 gram 
Vitamin C - 7 mg 
Energy value - 248 kcal/1050 kC 
Target Temperature Range: - 0 - + 20० C The level of moisture content should not exceed 75% 2 years from production date 

Blackberry is a real source of vitamin K, which is hard to obtain in the laboratory. The crucial pros of the mentioned fruit are its richness in this vitamin. In other words, it is very beneficial for the health of the oral cavity. Thanks to this vitamin, it controls and manages the proper metabolism during pregnancy. Because of the richness of manganese, not only do scientists recommend it in the treatment and prevention of patients with chronic biliary, liver, and anemia but also dentists advise it for gum disease.  Obviously, it is considered a particular fruit for the restoration of the gingiva and gums and eliminates memory and mental problems caused by aging. At the same time, it contains antioxidants that nourish brain neurons.  As can be seen from the facts, it gives the basis to include blackberries in the list of super healthy foods.